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A Selected Bibliography for The McDaniel Report Newsletter

Brandenburg, J., DiPietro, V., Molenaar, G., Unusual Mars Surface Features. Mars Research, PO Box 284, Glenn Dale, MD 20769. (First edition 1982; fourth edition, 1988.)

Brandenburg, J., DiPietro, V., Molenaar, G., "The Cydonia Hypothesis.." Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 5, No. 1, pages 1-25 (1991).

Brandenburg, J. And DiPietro, V. "Crater Lyot on Mars in Deuteronilus at 0.7 - 1.8 Gyr ago)." American Geophysical Union Conference, Baltimore (May , 1995) P52-A-3. Discussion of evidence for previous life on Mars.

Brandenburg, J., "Possible Parent Body for the Carbonaceous Chondrites: Mars." American Geophysical Union Conference, Baltimore (May , 1995) P52-A-4. Discussion of evidence for previous life on Mars.

Brandenburg, J., "Did the Lyot Impact end the Liquid Water Era on Mars? American Geophysical Union Conference, Baltimore (June 1995) P52A-3. Discussion of evidence for previous life on Mars.

Carlotto, Mark J., "Digital Imagery Analysis of Unusual Martian Surface Features." Applied Optics, Vol. 27, No. 10 (1988).

Carlotto, Mark J. And Stein, M. C., "A Method for Searching for Artificial Objects on Planetary Surfaces." Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 43 No. 5 (May 1990).

Carlotto, Mark J., The Martian Enigmas: A Closer Look. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley CA (1991). Telephone (510) 559-8277.

Carlotto, Mark J., A Portfolio of Cydonia Images. A bound portfolio of twelve certified custom 8"x10" photographic enlargements and perspective transformations of many of the anomalous objects on Mars photographed by NASA'S Viking 1 orbiter in 1976. Made from first-generation negatives produced by digital imaging specialist Dr. Mark J. Carlotto. Distributed by North Atlantic Books, Berkeley CA (1991). Telephone (510) 559-8277.

Carlotto, Mark J., "Do Certain Martian Surface Features Suggest an Extraterrestrial Hypothesis?" Paper delivered at the Society For Scientific Exploration meeting, Charlottesville, VA (May 22 1996).

Carr, Michael H., The Surface of Mars. Yale University Press, New Haven (1981).

Crater, Horace W., "A Statistical Study of Angular Placements of Features on Mars." Paper delivered to The Society for Scientific Exploration, June 15 1995.

Erjavec, J., "The Geomorphology and Geology of a Portion of the Cydonia Region of Mars: a New Interpretation." A portion of this paper was previously reproduced as "Geomorphology at Cydonia" on this newsletter. For copies contact The McDaniel Report, 1055 W. College Ave., Santa Rosa CA 95401.

Hoagland, Richard C., The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever. North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, CA 94705. (First edition 1987; second edition 1992.) Telephone (510) 559-8277.

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 28 No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1991.

Malin, Michael C. et. al., "Mars Observer Camera." Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 97, No. E5, May 25 1992. Pages 7699-7718.

M .C. Malin and G. E. Danielson, "Topography on Ganymede derived from Photoclinometry," Reports on Planetary Geology Program, NASA Tech. Memo., 86246, p 29-31, 1983.

McDaniel, Stanley V., The McDaniel Report: On the Failure of Executive, Congressional, and Scientific Responsibility in Setting Mission Priorities for NASA's Mars Exploration Program. North Atlantic Press, Berkeley CA (1994). Telephone (510) 559-8277. Distributed in Great Britain by Airlift Books.

Nagy, Barthalamew, Developments in Solar System and Space Science: Carbonaceous Meteorites. Kopal & Cameron, eds. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam, and American Elsevier Publishing Co., NY, 1975. Library of Congress card number: 73-89156. NASA library number: QE395.N33 C.1 76-016963

O'Leary, B., "Analysis of Images of the Face on Mars and Possible Intelligent Origin." Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 43 No. 5 (May 1990).

O'Leary, B., Miracle in the Void. Kamapua'a Press, Kihei, 1995. 1993 S. Kihei Road, Suite 21-200, Kihei HI 96753. (Page 42).

Pittendrigh, Colin et. al., ed., Biology and the Exploration of Mars, subtitle: "Report of a Study Held under the Auspices of the Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1964-1965." Chapter entitled "Remote Detection of Terrestrial Life."

Pozos, Randolfo R., The Face on Mars: Evidence for a Lost Civilization? Chicago Review Press, 814 N. Franklin, Chicago, IL 60610 (1986). Also available from North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street, Berkeley, CA 94705. Telephone (510) 559-8277.

Sagan, Carl, "The Man in the Moon," Parade Magazine, June 2 1985. A detailed analysis of this article can be found in The McDaniel Report, Chapter 8.

Sagan, Carl, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. Random House, NY 1995. Pages 52-56.

Strange, James F., "Can Archaeological Methodology Apply to Planetary SETI?" Paper delivered at the Society For Scientific Exploration meeting, Charlottesville, VA (May 22 1996).

Torun, Erol, ``The Geomorphology and Geometry of the D & M Pyramid.'' (1988). Appendices A and B added June and August 1989. Newly updated full version on the World Wide Web at [Go Live]. Originally published electronically on the CompuServe Issues Forum, Section 10 (file PYRAMI.RSH). A shortened version appears in Circular Times, Fall 1995, 168 Bird Creek Estates Road, Black Mountain NC 28711.